A.I.B. August Meetup @Cegeka


We've met on the 1st of August 2019 at Cegeka Romania office.

Thank you all for being here and thank you Cegeka for hospitality, pizza and beer :)

Waiting for our guests

We've started by getting to know each other, sharing our expertise level and industry domain.

Welcome, let's get to know each other better !

CenterNet - Andrei Petreanu

Slides are here: Center Net - Objects as Points
Research paper: CenterNet - paper
Github repo: gihub repo

NAO and the Google Cloud - Viorel Spinu

Slides are here - http://bit.ly/nao-aib-august
Github repo - https://github.com/viorelspinu/nao

Having fun with NAO

Next meetup is on October the 3rd, reserve your spot here - bit.ly/aib-3-october !
